I can barely believe it, I've been blogging a whole year already. Its flown pass so quickly and I still feel so green to blogging but what a year it has been.
I started to blog to catalogue my life and to share it with a few friends and family members so they could keep up with what I have been up to. But on my sister's suggestion I went public and I am so glad that I did, thanks Sis.So what has occurred because I have been blogging, well;- I've met people who share a common interest and so completely get where I am coming from.
- I've made friends with people I may have never met in my daily life.
- I've rediscovered a joy in writing, something I haven't done since my late teens.
- I've expanded into three blogs to keep my topics more to point.
- One of my blogs is a blogshop which would not have occurred to me to start if I wasn't blogging.
- I've received awards for my efforts and because I didn't really read blogs before I started blogging, I didn't even know there were things called blog awards but it was lovely and surprising each time I was given one.

Some of the other fun and great things I have experienced because I'm blogging is winning a giveaway a few weeks ago and it so happens the prize arrived today, how cool was that like a little birthday prezzie :)
Recently I also took an opportunity to join a bead swap group which had it's big reveal today hence my late posting about my blogoversary. I have been Blog hopping the majority of the day drinking up all the creativity the group generated. You can read up about it and see my efforts on my other blog.
I wanted to share a cool shot of my garden and I got one today to trump all my other shots, it was a picture of a wren in one of my roosting pockets. I have known for some time it was in use because it was lined but never saw the inhabitant but I'm afraid in editing it while it was still on the camera card I deleted it by accident, AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll probably never get another shot like that.
So instead I have given you a picture of my gloved hands typing this post. My hands get frightfully cold when I'm on the PC and my fingerless gloves are my accessory to allow me to sit at the PC for ridiculously long hours.
Anyway I would like to end by thanking all my readers (including the silent ones who don't actively comment) and all my followers for sticking with me this past year. You guys have helped me to remain focused and committed in this task. For all my life I have attempted to keep Diaries and journals but without success, it seems that I needed an audience to keep me motivated in the recording of my day to day life experiences.
So thanks again for sticking around and I hope we can enjoy many more blogoversaries mine as well as yours (if you are a fellow blogger) in the future.
Toodles and catch you laters....
12th of February: Edited Extras
I enjoy getting blog awards, if comments that are left by my readers is the cake then the odd award is the icing, that makes it even more tasty :)
Ever since my first award I have wanted to be able to create one and pass it on too, I had hoped to have one ready for my blogoversary date but with everything else I was doing, I simply wasn't able to get it ready in time.
Well its ready now hence the amendment to this blog posting, so here it is:
Its the 'You Take The Coolest Photos' Award
I enjoy taking photos and hope to one day do some classes to improve my skills. When I visit other blogs I have a tendency to follow the ones which have a lot of photos (yep I'm a visual stimuli junky) hence why my blogs are so photo heavy.
So I thought its only apt that the award I create honours my love of taking and looking at great photos.
So the rules of the award if you accept it are:
Blog about receiving it and include the award's photo.
Explain to your readers why you enjoy taking photos.
Share about the type/s of photos you enjoy taking the most.
What camera model and any accessories you use to take your photos.
Link to the giver of the award.
Choose some recipients to pass the award onto.
Let your recipients know accepting the award is not compulsory in the least.
So there it is I have launched a new blog award and now I would like to start the ball rolling and pass it on to a few bloggers whose photography skills blow me away and leave me in awe. like I said there is no pressure to accept the award, I just want to give recognition where its due.
So without further ado, here are the recipients:
Thanks for reading the update blog post and I hope you all will enjoy receiving the award.
Ta! Ta! Again