Lots of seed sowing.
Cucumbers are now big enough for me to start using nets to support the fruit and to keep them of the ground.
Well I'm a wife of thus far 12+ years, the mother of 2 girls, passionate of all things natural, very much into a self sufficient lifestyle, enjoy mothering in all its extremes, big believer in homeschooling, massive breastfeeding advocate, never happier than when I'm deep in the creative process whether that is Jewellery making/ paper crafts, etc. I've been enjoying a vegan diet now 12+ years and one of my main mottos are; Individuality Rocks!!!!!!!
Lots of seed sowing.
Cucumbers are now big enough for me to start using nets to support the fruit and to keep them of the ground.
24 spot ladybird 'Subcoccinella 24-punctata'
Cream spot ladybug 'Calvia 14-guttata'
There are three variations of the 10-spotted ladybird here are two of the guises they present themselves.
2-spots getting it on.
A pollen beetle an important pollinator.
Female Parastic Wasp 'Gasteruption jaculator (L.)'
Saturday must have been frog finding day as I found one in the pumpkin patch, one in the flower beds, another under some sticks in the vege patch, a medium size froglet in the boggy area around the vege pond and an injured frog in the vege pond.